News Munich

5th bizladies wiesn

cafe mohrenkopf
strasse 3 l nummer 14 - theresienwiese l 80336 münchhen

7.00pm cocktail
7.30pm program & wiesn brotzeit

elisabeth koller-galler l ciro jewelry
johanna koenig l bizladies

goodie bag

meet inspiring and successful ladies.

please confirm your attendance >

invitation - download.
save the dates 2019 - download.

italian cocktail

fünf höfe l theatiner strasse 12 . 80333 münchen

7.00pm cocktail
7.30pm program

the italian look
angelica lai
l coccinelle

johanna koenig l bizladies

meet inspiring and successful ladies.

please confirm your attendance >

invitation - download.
save the dates 2019 - download.

ingolstadt village

september 6 - september 14, 2019

mid-season sale - 20% extra for privileged members bei allen teilnehmenden marken

... mehr >>

munich 2019

madame magazin

august issue out now.

bizladies award 2018

at austria trend hotel messe prater wien

7.00 pm - cocktail
7.30 pm - award & dinner

what awaits you?
the nominated bizladies will be awarded in the following categories.

_best newcomer
_best leading lady
_best entrepreneur
_best family business
_bizlady of the city

_lifetime achievment
_social activities

_bizlady of the year

goodie bags
meet inspiring and successful ladies & gents.

bizladies & gents members free entry
all others euro 100 + taxes

please confirm your attendance >

invitation - download.

dr. haffa & partner

pr und marketing für hightech und it - kommunikation, die ankommt.

... mehr >>


unique silk scarves - check out the new pieces from evanity.

barbara leierseder

endlich erledigt - projektunterstützung im büro & privat.

madame magazin

january issue out now.